
“Creativity is the way I share my soul with the world”

This is the penultimate newsletter of 2024, each one of which has looked at a traditional Pagan Festival and the corresponding Human Design Gate in the Self Centre.  That the Sun moves through each of these eight Gates on Festival dates still gives me goosebumps.  What does the turning of the seasons tell us about ourselves?  For me, the more I tune into the natural world, the more peaceful I become regardless of the chaos around me.  As I look out at the sea from my office, I see the progression of the tides which makes the natural cycles of life even more immediate than the seasons.

As we head towards year end, I’m delighted to announce that my new website is up and running complete with a free Life Path Report to download.  Please head over to https://www.dagaz.me/ if you’re interested or merely curious. 

Historically, Samhain was a time when the veil between the living world and the spirit world was believed to be at its thinnest, making it easier for spirits and ancestors to visit. For the Celts, it was a time to honour the dead, give thanks for the harvest, and prepare for the challenges of the coming winter. Fires were lit to guide the spirits and protect the community, and offerings of food and drink were left for them.  Indeed, some would lay an extra place at the table for the ancestors to join a meal, sometimes eaten in silence to honour them.  Since Samhain is a time of heightened spiritual energy, divination practices like tarot readings and rune castings were common.

With the advent of Christianity, many Samhain traditions were adapted into All Saints’ Day (November 1st) and All Souls’ Day (November 2nd). Over time, Samhain evolved into Halloween, though many of the original pagan elements remain.  

Crystals are often incorporated into Samhain rituals to enhance spiritual connection, protection, and transformation, especially obsidian, carnelian, amethyst, smoky quartz and labradorite.  Mugwort, rosemary, sage, cinnamon and clove are also commonly used for much the same purposes

As is fitting for a New Year, Samhain coincides with the moment when the Sun is passing through Human Design Gate 1, the Gate of Creativity, or creative self-expression.  “Creativity aligns with the natural expansion of the Universe.  You open to expand creatively within, through and beyond mundane expressions and into the realms of the extra-ordinary.  Aiming innovatively into new forms of co-creation involving anything that life offers.” (Chetan Parkyn). The original I-Ching hexagram 1 comprises all Yang lines and this Yang energy is symbolised by the image of a dragon, representing any powerful natural force.  Each Line of the Gate (hexagram) has a different flavour and in this Chinese Year of the Dragon I cannot resist sharing a translation by Hua-Ching Ni from the original Book of Changes: –

1.     When the potency of a dragon has not yet emerged, it is not time to try and use it.

2.     The powerful dragon appears on a vast field.  It is time to meet the Great One.

3.     The dragon is cautious and uses its power wisely.  One of self-awareness cultivates in the daytime and is alert at night.  This is difficult but correct.

4.     The dragon jumps into the water and disappears.  No fault.

5.     The dragon flies in the sky.  It is the right time for the Great One to make full use of his energy and presence.

6.    The dragon extends too far.  Extremes bring remorse. 

Here you see the customary progression of Lines quite starkly from Line 1 where raw creativity is present but may need patience, increasing much like a musical crescendo to its height at Line 5 with an almost magnetic appeal and falling back a little at Line 6.

Colour Mirrors bottle 1 “vibrates to the energy of the sun – the light source and the life force of the world. It also resonates with the energy centre at the centre of your being, the solar plexus. This first bottle acknowledges your I AMness, that feeling of being totally connected with your highest aspect. This is true power – the recognition that the Divine is in everything, and oneness is the natural state of the universe. This bottle clears confusion and fear and is helpful for SAD and depression. Yellow is the colour of intellect, brightness, light and joy. The Colour Mirrors system as a whole is a journey of Ascension, and as Ascension is a by-product of joy, the only way the system could really begin was with a bottle which reflects that joy.”

Maybe the ancients were onto something recognising initiatory energy at this time of year, even if today we regard January as the beginning, or April if you’re paying tax in the UK (now there’s an anomaly) or September if you’re engaged with the school year.  Maybe the pause of winter allows a going in, a germinating if you will, so that our creativity can burst forth anew when the time is right.  Kyle Gray’s Angel Number 1 is “The universal life-force within you is calling for your attention”. Dan Millman’s “The Life You were Born to Live” records 1 as being to do with creativity and security.  All these Festivals record the cycles of life, and Samhain invites you to embrace the mysteries of life and death as part of the natural cycle.

The final issue of this newsletter for 2024 will be out for Yule, the Winter Solstice, on Saturday 21st December.  Meanwhile, I am running another Expansion Through Colour Workshop here in Lee on the Solent on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th December.  These workshops are always a delight as people tune into the wonders of Colour Mirrors and this is an opportunity for a little heart-opening “you” time before Christmas – there are a couple of spots left so do let me know if you’d like to join in or would simply like to know more.  As always you can contact me at psw@dagaz.me or book a free no obligation discovery call here.

With love and all good wishes,

P.S. I’m mulling on the theme for next year’s newsletters and thinking it might be fun to follow the Moon as none of the other Human Design Centres have so beautiful a distribution of their Gates around the year! I’m open to suggestions so if there is something you’ve liked this year or would like for next year, do please let me know at psw@dagaz.me.

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