
Blooming Recklessly: Embracing the Colours and Energies of Spring

“Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colours, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.”
Rainer Maria Rilke

The quote from Rilke above is undoubtedly true of my garden as my tulips have put on the most beautiful show of colours lasting over a considerable number of weeks.  As the bulbs give way to blossom, notably here in the south of England cherry, apple and hawthorn, we sense that summer really is on the way.  I’ve had ample opportunity to see all these fabulous colours of spring as I’ve travelled from home in Hampshire to Somerset, Oxford and London within the last week.  In one of those glorious synchronicities of life, I’ve had a convergence of events from four significant areas of my life that have moved me into a happier, healthier and I’d like to think more enlightened version of myself over the last ten years.  For the curious, the four are Transactional Analysis, Lifebook, Human Design and Colour Mirrors for which my profound thanks go to Rosemary Napper of TA Works, Jon and Missy Butcher of Lifebook, Chetan Parkyn of Evolutionary Human Design and priscilla elliott, Kath Roberts and many more members of the Colour Mirrors community. 

May Day – 1st May – is celebrated in many ways in different cultures, arguably one of the earliest is the Gaelic festival of Beltane. The earliest references seem to suggest that Beltane was celebrated by herdsmen driving their cattle out to pasture, often between two bonfires in the hope that the smoke would confer blessing and protection on the animals.  Young people would also jump over the flames hoping to attract good luck and fertility.  Hearth fires would be doused and relit from the communal Beltane bonfires to confer good fortune and protection at home. 

Holy Wells would be decorated predominantly in yellow and white flowers and the oldest inhabitant of each house would use primrose, rowan, hawthorn, gorse, and hazel to decorate the doorways and windows of their homes, such decoration remaining in place until 31st May. No festival is complete without a feast and for Beltane fresh greens, strawberries, honey and bread are traditional with their respective associations of the vitality of spring, love and passion, sweetness and abundance.

Beltane coincides with the moment when the Sun passes through Human Design Gate 2, the Gate of Receptivity, within the Self Centre.  This Gate is Yin, the primal Female and celebrates the feminine in us all.  It invites the means to find “…a way through life that is in accord and guided by the Higher Self.  Being Receptive establishes the distinct difference between knowledge and knowing”. (Chetan Parkyn: The Book of Lines).  It presupposes an element of trust, allowing and being, in contrast to the Yang masculine energy of initiative, persistence and becoming.  Whether or not you have Gate 2 defined in your own Human Design, we each have this in our DNA, indeed we have them all.

The lines of Gate 2 show different approaches to Receptivity:

  1. Appreciating the beauty and the fragility of life as a means of inner knowing
  2. Naturally accessing to an intelligence that often defies logical explanation
  3. Acknowledging that life never ceases to give lessons
  4. Knowing much but revealing only the essential
  5. Interconnecting to every facet of life, with or without the inclusion of others
  6. Limiting your capacity to expand fully by being preoccupied or having tunnel vision

Taking Human Design Gate 2 together with an understanding of Beltane we can see the way in which they are in tune, as with the other traditionally Pagan festivals and the Gates of the Self Centre, in this instance most obviously with the concerns of gender and fertility, the need for the feminine to be receptive to the seed of the masculine.

To further my understanding of Colour Mirrors, I participated in a Colour Combinations workshop last weekend (shout out to the wonderful Facilitator and Guide Lisa Barry, of A Mother’s Awakening Journey, for a fabulous and enlightening two days).  One of the themes to emerge was that of giving and receiving – how perfect for this time of year!

The Colour Mirrors bottle number 2 is The Moon, another symbol of the feminine.  It is a pale blue over royal blue and “…carries the energy of the moon and the tides, the seasons and cycles of existence. It relates to the throat, choice and taking responsibility for your word. It is helpful when you have difficulty communicating and making yourself heard. This bottle brings peace, connecting you with the angelic realms and enfolding you in a protective blue cloak. So far very few of your fears have manifested. Begin to have faith that what has kept you safe until now will continue to do so.”

Here again we see the connection with protection – I love it when so many modalities show up with variations on the same theme! If we add Numerology into the equation, the Number 2 is all about cooperation and balance, reinforcing the sense of Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine. I’ll sign off this newsletter with some questions that seem well worth pondering. They come from Dan Millman’s book “The Life You were Born to Live”:

“Imagine two hands, one open and offering, the other clenched in a fist of resistance.

Which hand do you put forward most?

Do you hold out both hands in equal measure?

Do you allow yourself to receive as much as you give?

Do you overhelp and then resent it?

Where does your responsibility end and that of others begin?

Have you found balance in your life?”

With love and all good wishes,

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