
Embracing the Flow of Summer: Harnessing the Power of the Universe

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
-Paulo Coelho

I’ve often wondered if the year speeds up as we move from Spring into Summer – I know that it doesn’t really, but it certainly seems as if it does as we race towards exams, summer holidays, harvest and the new school year. Living as I do on the coast, I see the beach getting busier, have more friends hoping to visit, and feel an urgency to complete projects before any thought of summer slowdown.

It was the greatest pleasure to hold my first Colour Mirrors Expansion Through Colour workshop in my own workshop space here last weekend (photo with permission from the participants). We laughed, we cried, we had remarkable realisations and healing conversations over the two days and, for the curious yes, Magnus the dog chose to participate too. Truly animals are extraordinary energy workers! I will be holding another such workshop later in the year so if you’d like to find out more please email me at or book a discovery call.

Happy Midsummer’s Day! Litha is an old Anglo-Saxon word for midsummer and celebrates the peak of the sun’s power on the longest day of the year. While the Spring Equinox represents new beginnings, the Summer Solstice or Litha represents the next step of this divine rhythm. Always occurring at the start of the Cancer Sun Season, 20th June for 2024, the Summer Solstice reminds us to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve. It was typically marked by Celtic, Slavic and Germanic people by lighting bonfires, often on the tops of hills, intended to boost the sun’s strength for the remainder of the crop season and ensure a healthy harvest.
Today many people like to make a wish or set an intention at sunrise or sunset confident that the power of the Solstice will ensure that it comes to pass. Drumming, chanting, singing, visualisation, dancing and meditation are all thought to amplify such wish or intention. Colours of gold, orange and yellow are associated with Litha, as are the crystals citrine, sunstone, tiger’s eye and yellow or honey calcite. Sunflowers are often used as symbols of Litha along with roses, oak leaves and honeybees plus herbs of mugwort, yarrow, vervain, elderflower, dandelion and nettle.
Litha coincides with the moment when the Sun passes through Human Design Gate 15, the Gate of Humanity, within the Self Centre. It is the Gate that is common to all life forms and is about being in the flow of life, able to navigate all possible extremes and conditions. For plant life this shows up as remarkable tolerance for changing climate conditions. For we humans, it is about having friends and acquaintances in all levels of society and implies that those with this Gate activated might have difficulty being attached to, or controlled by, anyone in particular. Indeed, we may be willing to endure quite some discomfort to avoid the control of others!

The lines of Gate 15 show different approaches to Humanity or “Ego-lessness” as a translation of the original I-Ching puts it: Having humility and transcending issues that may arise

  1. Having humility and transcending issues that may arise

  2. Expressing oneself without ego

  3. Dedication – a commitment to finish

  4. Centring oneself and showing restraint

  5. Fellowship and attuning to the needs of others

  6. Self-regulation and setting an example to others

Taking Human Design Gate 15 together with an understanding of Litha we can see the way in which they are in tune with the celebration of all life forms and the need for the Sun to nurture us all so that we can grow and flourish.  

I am curious to see that this most masculine Yang day – the longest day of the year – corresponds with both the Gate of Humanity and the Colour Mirrors bottle of The Magician which is about magic based on feminine power and hope for the future.  What a lovely balance!

“Olive is made up of yellow and green, where green is the heart and yellow is the solar plexus, and this bottle combines them as love and power. The magician is the bringer of heaven to earth because he has owned his power to co-create. This is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The number 15 reduces to 6 and relates to the planet Venus, which is about love and magic. All you have to remember is to include others in your magic and make sure you create for the good of the greater whole.”

By now you will be familiar with me adding flavours from other modalities too. If we add Numerology into the equation, the Number 15 reducing to 6 is all about vision and acceptance, freedom and discipline, creativity and security. Kyle Gray’s Angel Numbers has this to say about the Number 15 “Your changing thoughts are changing your life. Align your awareness and energy with thoughts that lift you.” That seems to me to be a great message to take into your intention setting for Litha.

With love and all good wishes,

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